손과 보조기 또는 물체 또는 인체 사이의 힘 측정 - loadpad
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- 소형 경량의 장비로 스마트폰과 실시간 연동
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- 손가락 힘 측정
- 손바닥 힘 측정
- 승마시 힘 측정
- 보행시 손보조기기 힘 측정
Technical data of the loadpad force sensors:
sizes sensors standard and custom sizes size electronics 30 x 40 x15 mm measuring time up to 12 hours sampling rate (Hz) 10 | 50 | 100 | 200 selectable accuracy 10% ZAS, dynamic load transmission Bluetooth® LE operating device iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android smartdevices power supply 3V coin cells (or rechargeable batteries) mt loadpad® M, 110 x 50 x 1,6 mm for monitoring hand force production during manual manipulation and mobilization
mk loadpad®, 30 x 20 x 3 mm for finger load analysis
riders´ loadpad®, 33.5 x 30.5 cm
stirrup loadpad®, 10.5 x 5.0 cm
ad loadpad®, 105 x 50 x 3 mm for hand load analysis on assistive devices