팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
loadsol®: truly mobile in-shoe force measurement
loadsol® features:
display bipedal force over time on mobile device
receive biofeedback for two adjustable force levels
output ASCII data and allows comprehensive Windows data analysis
Allows long-term measurement
capture forefoot, midfoot, & hindfoot or hindfoot, medial & lateral forefoot separately

Ultium EMG with internal IMU

Ultium® EMG-Advanced Medical-Grade Electromyography. Capture and analyze physiological & biomechanical data within minutes.

Optional smartlead versatilty
4000 Hz Sampling
Integrated IMU
Complete Data Recovery - Lossless Data Sets
Lifetime Battery Replacement


Surface EMG
Footswitch (FSR or insole)
Fine-Wire EMG
2D Goniometer
Analog Input Probe (3-channel)
Flexiforce Local Pressure Sensor
Physiomonitor (breath/heart rate)
Accelerometer (all-in-one 24g/100g/400g)
Force Sensor (100 lbf or 500 lbf)

Portable Motion Capture

Full-Body, 3D Kinematics.

Dynamic accuracy and unparalleled spped, in almost any environment.


The MyoMotion System
Wearable 3D motion capture

With the MyoMotion Software you can measure :

  • Skeleton or human avatar
  • Contact detection for walking gait
  • Orientation angles
  • Anatomical (joint) angles
  • Linear accelerations